Player Options

Available since 0.1.0

Screen Manipulation


  • Move and Rotate the screen around by holding the Grab button

  • Reset the Rotation by pointing at empty space and hold B button for 2 seconds


  • Change the screen size by using controllers Thumbstick Up/Down keybind



  • Change current video time by clicking on the timeline

  • Use Controller Thumbstick Left/Right keybind to skip backward/forward in time

    • Default skip is 15 seconds, but you can change it freely in the Global Settings

Play / Pause / Replay

  • Use A Button to toggle

Previous / Next

  • Skip forward or backward on the playlist


  • Change the volume of the video player

Playback Options

Playback Options are found on the right side of the Player panel.


  • Repeat All - Replays/Cycles the whole playlist

  • Repeat One - Keeps replaying the same video

  • Repeat Off - Stops at the end of the playlist


  • On - Play videos in random order on the current playlist

  • Off - Play in order


  • On - When the current video ends, automatically skip to next video on the playlist

  • Off

Playback Speed

  • 0.25x, 0.5x, 0.75x, 1.0x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x, 2.0x

Player options are global for all media.

Last updated