File Name Convention

All video options can be auto set within the file names by leading with:

  • a dot "."

  • a hyphen "-"

  • an underscore "_"

  • or a space " "

followed by this codes:

  • Stereo:

    • SBS, LR, 3Dh

    • TB, 3Dv

  • Projections:

    • Equirectangular

      • 180, 180x180

      • 360, 180x360

    • Fisheye (defaults to 180°)

      • FisheyeXYZ, FXYZ, where XYZ is any whole number between 90 and 270

    • EAC cubemap

      • EAC, Youtube

  • Ratio:

    • Half


  • Filename_SBS_Fisheye200.mp4

  • Filename.3Dh.half.mkv

  • Filename-EAC_tb.webm

Naming conventions are not case sensitive.

Last updated